
Everything You Need to Know About PRF Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss can be frustrating and may even hold you back from activities or social events. Rest assured, you’re not alone – by age 35, two-thirds of men experience hair loss to some degree, and 40% of women experience hair loss by age 50. At WellMedica, we’re proud to help our patients overcome hair loss with the latest, science-backed treatments to stimulate hair regrowth. 

PRF, or platelet-rich fibrin, is an advanced hair loss treatment that uses healing growth factors from the patient’s blood to encourage hair growth. Highly effective and less invasive than other hair loss procedures, PRF is an advanced solution to help you regain a fully healthy head of hair. 

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of PRF hair loss treatment and how it can help you reach your aesthetic goals. 

What is PRF?

PRF is the next-generation form of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) that can effectively treat hair loss. PRF has been used with great success in orthopedics and dentistry for decades, and we’re thrilled to harness its remarkable regenerative capabilities in cosmetic treatments. 

Human blood contains multiple components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. During the PRF treatment process, the patient’s blood is spun horizontally at high speeds in a centrifuge to maximize the production of PRF. 

How is PRF Different From PRP?

The primary difference between PRF and PRP is that PRP doesn’t contain stem cells or fibrin. Additionally, PRF contains a higher concentration of growth factors than PRP. The fibrin in PRF contains growth factors and stem cells in the injection site, which allows for the release of more growth factors over a more extended period. 

These benefits make PRF a more advanced and robust treatment for hair loss, allowing for more significant hair regrowth than PRP alone. 

How Does PRF Work?

PRF is rich in platelets, white blood cells, fibrin, and stem cells. All of these components play a key role in boosting hair growth.

  • Platelets in human blood contain proteins known as growth factors that boost collagen production, stimulate tissue regeneration, and improve hair regrowth. 
  • White blood cells support tissue regeneration. 
  • Fibrin supports hair growth by acting like scaffolding that the growth factors attach to. This facilitates a longer release of the growth factors. 
  • Stem cells can regenerate into virtually any other type of cell in the body, including progenitor or specialized cells. They support the body’s growth and repair, helping to restore damaged tissue in adults. 

A 2019 clinical study published in the International Journal of Trichology reported that PRF offers benefits over PRP for hair growth and regeneration. The study involved three cases of advanced alopecia, which is generally considered difficult to treat. All cases showed a significant improvement in hair growth with PRF treatment. 

What Types of Hair Loss Can PRF Treat?

PRF can treat multiple types of hair loss in both men and women. It’s most commonly used to stimulate regrowth in patients with male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness, which may also be called androgenetic alopecia. 

Male-pattern baldness occurs in nearly half of men at some point in life, related to genetics and male hormones. It typically causes hair loss at the crown of the head or frontal scalp. 

Female-pattern baldness affects around 40% of women by age 50. This hair loss is usually a symptom of menopause, which causes the hair follicles to shrink. 

Many other types of hair loss can be successfully treated with PRF, including hair loss from:

  • Nutrient deficiencies, such as deficiencies in B vitamins, iron, vitamin D, zinc, and biotin  
  • Hormonal imbalances, often from pregnancy, polycystic ovarian syndrome, menopause, or birth control pills
  • Stressors or traumas, such as surgery, childbirth, or the loss of a loved one
  • Scalp infections and skin conditions like psoriasis
  • Compulsively pulling out hair
  • Metabolic and thyroid disorders
  • Certain medications 

What to Expect During PRF Hair Loss Treatment

PRF is an in-office treatment that involves the following steps:

  • Collect the blood sample. 

PRF uses components from the patient’s blood. So, the first step in the treatment is to collect a blood sample with a simple blood draw from your arm. We collect two to four vials of blood, depending on the treated area. 

  • Spin the sample in a centrifuge. 

The sample must be spun in a centrifuge to isolate the PRF from other components in your blood. The blood is spun slower than in PRP therapy to keep the white blood cells and stem cells in the solution. The process also provides PRF with a higher growth factor concentration than PRP. 

  • Inject the PRF into the scalp. 

Once the PRF has been collected from the centrifuge, it’s placed in a syringe and injected into specific areas of the scalp to stimulate hair growth. Your provider may apply a numbing cream to the scalp to ensure that you remain comfortable throughout the injections. This quick, straightforward process generally takes 10 minutes (or less) to complete. 

PRF Aftercare Instructions

Your provider will give you detailed aftercare instructions to ensure the best possible results after your PRF sessions. Most patients are advised to follow these tips:

  • Avoid washing your hair for 24 hours after the procedure. After this point, make sure to be very gentle while washing your hair for at least three days. 
  • Refrain from touching the injection site for at least three days. 
  • Limit your sun exposure as much as possible for at least a week after the procedure. 
  • Avoid wearing hats and headbands or your hair in an updo for at least three days. 
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity and swimming for at least three days. 

How Long Does PRF Take to Work?

PRF starts to work immediately, but noticeable results may not appear for three to six months. This is because the PRF stimulates and supports the body’s natural repair processes, which take time. 

How Many PRF Sessions Will I Need?

Each patient is different, and your provider will recommend the correct number of PRF sessions for your needs. In most cases, patients need one monthly session for six months to achieve their desired results. You may undergo quarterly treatments for the next six months to maintain your results. After this point, the frequency of treatments can be customized to meet your needs. 

What Are The Benefits of PRF?

PRF offers several benefits as a treatment for hair loss, including:

Natural and Additive-Free

PRF is derived from the patient’s blood – it doesn’t contain any synthetic ingredients or additives. This eliminates the risk of allergic reactions and makes PRF an excellent option for patients seeking a 100% natural hair loss treatment. 

Few to No Side Effects

The risk of side effects from PRF treatment is very low. If side effects occur, they tend to be very mild, such as minor pain, inflammation, and bruising at the injection site. The risk of infection or complications is extremely low. 

Proven Results

PRF therapy is proven to stimulate hair regrowth, even in advanced, difficult-to-treat cases of alopecia. In patients who haven’t had success with topical treatments or prescription medications for hair loss, it’s an effective, non-surgical option to consider. 

A Higher Concentration of Growth Factors 

PRF contains a higher concentration of healing growth factors than PRP, along with stem cells and fibrin. This allows for more significant hair growth for a fuller, thicker, and healthier head of hair.


PRF involves scalp injections – no incisions are required. This means that patients won’t experience scarring after PRF, and no downtime is required after the treatment. 

Natural-Looking Results

PRF encourages the growth of your own, natural hair. This leads to authentic results – not the synthetic appearance of hair transplants or hairpieces. It not only encourages hair regrowth but also strengthens and thickens your existing hair strands. 

Versatile Treatment

PRF therapy can treat many types of hair loss in both men and women. It’s a versatile treatment option that can benefit a wide range of patients, including those who haven’t responded to other hair loss treatments or prescription hair loss medications. 

Am I a Candidate for PRF for Hair Growth?

Most patients that we see at WellMedica are excellent candidates for PRF therapy to treat hair loss. The ideal candidate will have at least a small amount of hair in the treatment area so that the PRF can prompt regrowth. 

However, there are a few contraindications for PRF therapy. For example, cancer patients or actively undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy can’t undergo PRF for hair loss. Additionally, patients who smoke may not respond as well to PRF treatments as non-smokers. 

The experienced team at WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine can determine if you’re a good candidate for PRF therapy to stimulate hair growth. We’ll evaluate your symptoms and recommend the best hair loss treatment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!


Contact Info

1801 Robert Fulton Dr. Suite 540
Reston, VA 20191
phone# 703-787-9866
Fax #  703-787-9861

Office Hours

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
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9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM


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